Monday, March 19, 2007

So I Moved

Yes indeed. I moved to a new radio station, a new house, a new city... and a new blog site. I guess I need to make these websites less location specific.

Okay, so I am a moron. Maybe I will just have to stay here for a very long time. For those of you who still remember me, drop me a comment and say hello. For those who do not know me... believe me... you soon will.

I am what is known as a libertarian. That pretty much means that I don't like democrat or republican politicians, and I tend to annoy the heck out of my mother.

Really, it just means that I am really big on freedom, which will extend itself to this site. Everyone will feel free to say what they want. But don't curse, please, or use vulgar language. It is a real pain in the neck to go back and remove comments, and then I feel like a communist.

It is great to be back in the blogging game... for those of you who are interested, perhaps I will fill you in later on why I had to stop blogging in the first place.

Welcome friends, mingle and get to know each other... have a piece of cake.

Cake tastes mighty fine!

1 comment:

Cliff said...

So you are letting your hair grow out, judging from your picture here versus the one on your old blog from your WTAM days.

Good blog, some things I won't be able to identify with seeing that they pertain to sunny Fla.

Keep checking in with the listening party, and I will keep welcoming you.

Have a great day


note to self: that was one heckuva nice thing I just done.